Saturday, February 28, 2009

Longest Week of My Life

This past week was SO insane, I can't even describe it. Mostly, there was just one thing that made it insane, but that's something that I really don't think should be posted on a blog. All I can say is asking for you to pray for my friend, Hannah. I found something out on Friday, went to a counselor on Monday, and that was only 6 days ago, yet I feel like it was forever ago. Also, if you could pray for me and my friend Hayley, too, as we're also a part of this, that God would give us wisdom to do/say the right things.

On a happier note, and something that I can actually talk about, we're leaving for South Africa in TWELVE DAYS!!!!!!!!! I can't even comprehend that! And thankfully, after my new-ish camera broke, (I think that's the 3rd or 4th camera break on me?) we called Cannon, and for &75, plus shipping stuff, I got a more up-to-date version of my camera and just in time for South Africa! I am SO excited!!! So there will DEFINITELY be some picture updates either while we're in South Africa or when we get back. We're taking the laptop with us, but we'll see how much time I actually have to put stuff on.

Well, I have a solo to play for Solo & Ensemble at 12:58 and have to be there 20 minutes early, so I suppose I'd better go finish getting ready for that. I'm actually not really nervous. I figure, it's really not going to be the end of the world if I don't get a 1, mostly, I just care about that because of my pride. But when I play my cello, it shouldn't be for my pride. Today, I'm playing for God.

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy birthday to the little dude!!!

Today is my brother's golden birthday today, and what an AMAZING birthday present for him! We got our pre-approval for Jadon's adoption!! Yet another step taken to getting my little little brother! I did forget to mention in my last post that we're not allowed to post pictures of him online yet, but if any of you want the pictures, just let me know and I will for sure get them to you. Otherwise, they'll be up here as soon as we're allowed to post them!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Wow, so I've been REALLY behind on this. And quite a few AMAZING things have happened since then!!

1. As most/maybe all of you probably now know, my family got a referral for a little BOY from China instead of a girl!! There's a big long story that goes with this, but kind of in a nutshell, we got the referral a week after my parents filled out an older child adoption application thing or something, which basically said that we would be willing to take an older child. So my dad, Andrew, and I were at the library and my mom was home alone when she got the call for the referral. After recieving the call, she called my dad's cell phone, he informed Andrew and I and we started on our way home. Now, at this point, there were some pretty mixed feelings going on between the four of us. Andrew right away was all for it. My dad thought that this boy would fit right it. My mom was worried because she didn't look at the picture and right away thingk, "this is my son!" And I had no idea what to think. This was major news and since I didn't know how to react, I just kind of broke down and cried because I didn't know what else to do. It took almost a week before God led me to the conclusion that this kid was my brother. January 5, my parents locked in the file and we're now just waiting to be approved by the Chinese government (which should not be a problem at all). So now about this little boy: his name in China was Shengyang, but his real name (what we're naming him) is Jadon, which means "thankful" and his middle name will be Sheng, which means "victorious." He's almost 4 feet tall and 44 pounds, so he's a little bugger!! He's a pretty shy kid, but it sounds like he's made some attatchments at the orphanage, and that's our main concern that he won't attatch to us, so that's actually quite a relief that he's made those attatchments. (Oops, sorry... that was kind of a choppy sentence, but lazy me doesn't really want to make it sound prettier). So we're now hoping that my parents and Andrew will get to go to China (I don't get to go :( but I do get to go to SOUTH AFRICA!!! see more in following exciting points...) around April. So I'll be in Eau Claire by myself, but I've had quite a number of offers from some pretty sweet people that they'd come and stay with me or I could some stay with them. I'm actually pretty excited. :) Oops... so much for "in a nutshell"...

2. Since Andrew is going to China, I get to take my mom's place in going to South Africa so that I get to go on a sweet trip, too!!! My dad just got the itinerary yesterday, and I'm getting SOOOO excited! We leave 5 weeks from yesterday!!! I'll put the itinerary on here when it comes closer time for the trip...

3. I have my permit! I've driven in a parking lot twice (or is it three times now? I can't remember...) and on Sunday, I drove on a REAL ROAD with REAL PEOPLE!! Good news, though. I didn't hit anybody or anything. :) I think my dad maybe wants to take me driving again today? But we'd have to go soon because we've got a chili/Bunko night at church tonight! WOOT!

4. Yesterday I got the form and packet to sign up for classes next year! I'm still debating on some electives, so if anybody has any reccomendations, that would be sweet. So far I'm thinking about Pottery/Sculpture 1 and maybe Philosophy? Any opinions?