Monday, June 30, 2008

So Blessed!!

Last night, I was able to have a sleepover with my friend from church, Annaka (the one who teaches us dance), and really enjoyed that! It was so cool being able to get to know her a bit more and be able to hear about all her experiences-good, and bad. Then this morning, Katie from church came and picked us up and we went to The Living Room (aka my absolute favorite place to go for chai and other such drinks). So Annaka and Katie and I sat outside and got to have a cool talk.T hen the owner, Michelle, came out and sat down to talk to us. That was kind of fun, too. I had mentioned earlier that I was supposed to have gotten a job this summer, but I didn't want to work fast-food and hadn't really looked that seriously into it anyway, and I had said that I would acctually love to work at The Living Room, but I didn't know if they hired since it's a family-run place. So when Michelle was talking to us, Katie asked if they were hiring in the fall. Michelle asked if she was looking for a place to work and Katie just looked towards me and said, "Well, someone is," and just smiled. I was super excited to hear that Michelle said that she would keep me in mind!!! They only have seven people on their staff and won't just hire anyone, so that was really cool! We ended up talking to Michelle longer that we had planned for and didn't leave the cafe until 11:15 and I had a babysitting job at 11:30! And I still needed to run home to find out where they lived. I knew that they were near the middle school I went to, but didn't know exactly where. Katie offered to drive me there and after getting their address, still needed to call the the person I was babysitting for to get directions. We eventually made it there at about 11:35. Thankfully, Allison (who I was babysitting for) was just fine with it. She only wanted me there early to explain some things about watching Lydia (who was born about a month and a half ago and absolutely GORGEOUS!!). After showing me everything, we still had about ten minutes to talk before her student got there. So for the hour that I was watching Lydia, I just walked around the neighborhood with the stroller and now here's my point that I've been trying to get to. So I was walking around and the sky was blue and everything around me was green and I was thinking about my day and all those people in my life and I just felt this total feeling of being overwhelmed. I was thinking of how totally blessed I am! I have these awesome people in my life... awesome Christians that I can talk to and be around and I just felt extremely blessed and it was really cool. I am SO glad that God has put the people He has into my life! They are such and encouragement and such a blessing and for that, I am truely thankful!!!


Jennifer said...

Girl, I am praising the Lord with you on this one! I'm praising Him for how He has provided for you in this area, and I'm praising Him for how He has blessed me in this as well. I am so not deserving of the amazing sisters He has blessed me with - that of course includes you my dear! Love you! :-)

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