Thursday, May 22, 2008

It Happens

As some of you guys probably already know, Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter, Maria, was hit accidentially by one of her older brothers while she was in the driveway. I'm not sure how accurately I can give this information, so I'll just give you guys the link.

Although these things are extremely devastating, and I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it is for all of them, but these things happen and through it all, God is still in control and it's all part of His ultimate plan. So keep the Chapman family in your prayers!!

On a much different note, David Archuleta didn't win American Idol last night, but he'll have no difficulty getting a record deal, and I'll of course buy his CD, so it's all good. I've heard that American Idol controls you for like 5 years after you win, anyways.

Only nine more days of school and counting!! And then... oh happy summer!! :)

Have a marvelous rest of your week guys! And don't forget to pray for the Chapman family!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


The only reason I'm on the computer this early is that I'm waiting for the shower and really don't have much to do right now. Anyways, last night was the final performance night of American Idol and David Archuleta (my favorite) totally blew me away. His last performance was a song that he had already done (and had already done amazing on) and I was a little bit worried that he chose a song that he already did, but I acctually think that you were maybe supposed to... No matter what you were supposed to sing, he did even more amazing last night than the first time!! To give you an idea of the performance:

Have a marvelous day!! :-)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


My eye doctor acctually was the one to inform me about these guys when I told him I played cello, so I just checked them out now and... woah. It's pretty intense. So I thought I'd share in case you guys were interested!

So... you guys think that I should join?? :-)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Prince Caspian!!

I FINALLY saw Prince Caspian today at 5:15!!!! Yes, I am well aware that it only came out yesterday, (if anyone should know that, it would be me!) but that was forever ago!!! You see, we were going to see it for my friend, Laura's birthday party yesterday, but she made her younger brother cry by telling him he needed to change his shirt more than once every 5 days and got grounded. She could still have the party, just not go to the movie.... so we went bowling instead. It was kind of strange logic, but I don't have any right to say anything since I'm not Laura's parents and also don't know everything about everything that's going on. So yes, the party was still fun and I won when we played bowling!!! ....with an 87 :)It was acctually really fun. We watched The Island and Mean Girls last night and Cloverfield this morning. The thing with Cloverfield is that they had a creative idea with the whole movie being like a home video, but the thing was that sometimes it was really confusing and you never really found out what in the world the monster thing was or why it was there or where it came from or what happened after the attack. I thought it was kind of lame. It was kind of a waste of an hour and fifteen minutes. So then we made ratatouille for French class which was.... interesting. :) We wanted to make our ratatouille different from other people using that recipie (there were 4 or 5 recipies that we could choose from) and so we had to go back to my house to look up other recipies to see what we could add to it because Laura's parents have blocked off pretty much everything on the internet for her to use. So it was raining (well, heavy sprinkling) on our way back to my house and all I had was a t-shirt. When we got to my house, the front door was locked (my parents were gone and my brother was at a friend's house) and I couldn't get the gate open, so we had to "break in" by climbing over the fence. We decided that it probably looked like we were teenage delinquents breaking into some random house or something and hoped that our next-door-neighbors weren't home. So we finally got inside and once we got the computer turned on and the internet up, a couple of our other friends who stayed behind at the house to keep working on the ratatouille called and said that we were done. So we basically went over there for nothing, but oh well. We got a pretty good laugh out of the whole thing. :)
So now... PRINCE CASPIAN!!!! I never acctually finished re-reading the book, and am kind of glad that I didn't because otherwise I would have sat there critiquing everything that didn't exactly follow the book. There were a few things that they could have done in the movie and more like the book that would have made other things less confusing for the people who hadn't read the book. There was also one really strange thing in the movie that happened that wasn't in the book and one really awful thing that they did in the movie that most definately was not in the book that I got really mad at them for adding. If you've seen the movie already, you'll probably know what I'm talking about and if you don't, feel free to e-mail me and ask me... I'll be more than willing to share with you how I really feel!! ;) Anyways, in all, I did enjoy the movie... just minus the tiny lack of description and that one really lame thing. :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

Well, this seems to be the month of birthdays and just thought I'd say a quick Happy Birthday to all of you guys who DO have a birthday in May!!

May 12-Eric
May 13-Laura
May 15-Mrs. Botzet
May 17-Jordan, Micah K.
May 25-Pastor Lee
May 26-Maria
May 27-Katie R.
May 29-Jenny
May 30-Grandma Joan

Well, I'm hoping that I didn't forget anyone, although I'm pretty sure I probably did.... so Happy Birthday to everybody!!!

Also VERY exciting May event.... PRINCE CASPIAN COMES OUT ON THE 16TH!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for that you wouldn't even believe it!!!!!! I'm acctually in the process of re-reading the book right now since I haven't read it since about 5th grade and I really don't remember what happens in it. Acctually there's kind of a funny story to go along with that... On Sunday I decided I was going to start reading through that before the movie came out on Friday and when I went to go get the book, all of the Narnia books were there except for that one. So my little brother, Andrew, had been reading them and that was the last one he read (forever ago, I might add) and when I asked him for it back, he couldn't find it. I made him look for half an hour with no luck and so when my parents went out to run some errands, they got me a new copy-with movie pictures!!! I was pretty pumped... but still kinda dissappointed that I no longer have my complete acctual set... so I'm still looking for the book, just not as thouroughly (if that's even how you spell that). So I read the first 3 chapters on Sunday night and haven't had a chance to read it since then until today in French after my test, so now I have chapter 4 read. I guess I'd better get going on that. :)

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Very Sleep-deprived Kirsten

Some of you guys know this, but I've kind of had a history of having a bunch of headaches constantly all around one period of time. The first time (that I acctually remember doing something about them), they got better after we started going to the chiropractor. The second time, they got better after I started taking cold lunch ALL the time (because otherwise my lunch money would run out and I would forget to pack lunches... oops) and got some protein in me during the middle of the day. And now, I'm having them again. After talking with my chiropractor today and with my parents, we think the reason might be that I'm super sleep deprived. If I'm LUCKY, I get 7 hours of sleep, and I need about 9 and a half. There's also the stress factor. All of a sudden, all my teachers have decided that we need more homework and I've got homework coming out of my ears. I've also got a bunch of after school activities that I've been doing, and I have like NO time for much of anything else. I've been getting really anxious for school to end, but also am looking for a summer job. So, I'm off to bed now (about an hour earlier than normal) and hopefully after a while, I won't be so sleep deprived and I hopefully won't keep having these headaches!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Earth Science + important project = bad grade for Kirsten!!

Alright, so I've got this project for Earth Science where we have to make the layers of the earth. We get to use one container, and have to make it as if we stuck that container into the core of the earth... what we would see. The layers have to be proportional, and similar structure and composition. I have pretty much NO ideas (especially what to do about the liquid layer) and if you guys happen to read this by tomorrow (Sunday, May 3) and have any ideas for how to make this work... that would be lovely!! My container is an old peanut butter jar, if that makes any difference.

So... here's a mini update on Kirsten's life: Last night I went out to Applebee's with a couple friends and afterwards went to the college campus worship thing, Unified. The first half of the night, there were only a couple of songs I knew, but towards the last half I knew a lot of them and it was really cool because in one of the songs, I think almost every person in the room (for those of you guys who have been to UWEC, Hibbard 100 was completely filled and just about overflowing) had their hands raised and it was really amazing. It felt like being at camp again. Being surrounded by a TON of people whose hearts are on fire for God. Acctually, it's kind of similar to what church is like for me nowdays. Well, minus the TONS of people. But the same type of atmosphere. It was really cool. Now today, I went to a few friends' Irish dance recital and they did amazing. One of my friends acctually had a migrane and her back was hurting and sat out on the first couple dances she was supposed to do, but was able to get back in there for the last dances. They all did a really good job! The recital was at our old church and it was really cool because I walked in, and everything was familliar, but it just wasn't home. It didn't feel like I was going there for church or youth group or anything else. It felt like I was going there to watch some friends in a dance recital and it was such a blessing to feel that. To have a church family and a church home away from that, which truly did feel like home. God has most definately blessed my family and me with this new group of people at our new church... our family. It's pretty amazing how God can put a bunch of people in your life at church and just about instantly, you can already be family. That's what happened at the church that we're at now, and not kidding, there are some things that they know about me that not even some of my closest friends from school know about me and I think that's pretty cool!! I'm definately seeing the reason why they're called brothers and sisters in Christ!!!!!!