Friday, June 6, 2008


It has been way too long since I've written in here and SO much has happened!! If you're reading this today, it's pretty much going to be a novel, just so you know...

So, to get the smallest thing out of the way (which I have been counting down the days for for 3 months-that just shows you how intense everything else is) SCHOOL IS OUT!!!!!! I'm definately really excited for this summer! I started my summer book list already (I've probably got almost 20 books on there!) For today, I think I'm just going to relax for reasons that I'll share later.

Secondly, last week on Wednesday, my parents showed me this little boy named Tong Ju on the America World website that my parents felt pretty strongly about. They asked Andrew and I what we thought and asked us to pray about it. I went from Wednesday-being almost dead set against it because I had become very attatched to a sister, to Sunday-after praying about it, felt like we really needed to look at Tong Ju's full file, to this past Wednesday-after giving the file to our doctor, we learned that this little boy probably had fetal alchohol syndrome, which explains why he's so small, active, and why his IQ scores were so low. Our doctor said that he would possibly never be able to live on his own, he would have difficulty learning to speak the language, and he really needed to have a stable living environment. Living in Eau Claire for 7 years has been the longest time we've ever lived in one place and after praying about it, felt like we probably weren't going to be the best family for him. He was absolutely the most adorable little boy I've ever seen. And over those few days that we all really believed he was going to be a part of our family, I grew pretty attatched to him. So please be praying for Tong Ju!!

Lastly (maybe, because there has still been a TON that has happened within the past few weeks), yesterday, as I was biking home from school, the plastic bag that I had my sweatshirt in got caught between my wheel and the metal bar by my wheel, making my front wheel stop, and I flew over the handlebars and slid on my face. My friends, Rachel and Laura, were biking home with me and Laura came pretty close to crying. For the first 5 seconds after the crash, I just looked up and really had no idea what was going on, but eventually figured it out and got up with some help from my friends. I acctually started laughing when I got up, so even though I'm pretty sore today, I dont think I broke anything. I went to the chiropractor today and got adjusted, got my nerves and muscles tested and some other stuff, but the x-ray machine kinda broke, so we're waiting until Monday when I go back in to get checked out again. The spot on my forehead was a pretty sweet color red, though, so that was cool. :) I'm kind of bummed, though, because Bekah left for Pennsylvania yesterday morning, so by the time she gets back, it'll probably be mostly healed and I think she would probably appreciate it. It would also be kinda fun because I think she would probably be able to laugh at me (in a friendly way, of course), instead of pity, which would be a nice change. I took pictures, though, so I guess I'll just show those to her when she gets back!

There was also last night's end of the year party, today's issue with another friend's party, camping last weekend, and a really good talk I got to have with Katie from church, but maybe that will have to wait until later.

Love you guys and miss you lots!!


Jennifer said...

Kirsten! What great stories you have to share! I continue to pray for your family and the adoption process. I also laughed pretty hard when I read your bike/acrobatics. :-) I'm glad that you didn't get hurt to badly!

Kirsten said...

Haha well I'm glad you got a laugh out of my little incident because I did, too. :) I feel a bit accident prone as I've been thinking about a lot of those types of things that have happened to me the past few years... the best one still being when I flew off the golf cart at Wood Lake. :)

Eric said...

Glad to hear that school is out! Congratulations on another well done (I'm assuming!). Sorry to hear about your fall though...though, your story did make me laugh too. And, I'm glad to hear you were able to laugh about it as well :-)