Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's been WAY too long!

Well, I apologize, it's been over a month since I've given you an update!! It's been pretty crazy around here. I've been getting a ton of homework in AP Euro, but I still really love that class. We just finished the Reformation, which was pretty sweet. The test was on Wednesday, and I thought that I was pretty well prepared for it and actually felt like I knew most of it pretty well. Of course, most of the stuff that I knew really well wasn't on the test, but I still think I did okay. The multiple choice is what's difficult. They're worded so strangely, but I suppose our teacher only does that to get us used to the format of the AP test at the end of the year. We had a four day weekend for some teahcher's convention this week, and it was nice being able to have a social life again instead of spending my evenings working on homework!

I do have some exciting news, though! Our church is officially starting a youth group on October 29!!!!!!! I'm SUPER excited!!!!! Katie and Jeremiah are leading it at their house from 7:00 to 9:00. Jeremiah's not exactly sure what we're going to do yet, but I'm so excited! Maybe that'll be a motivation for me to give y'all an update soon to tell you how it goes. :)


Jennifer said...

It is so great to hear from you again my dear! :-) I look forward to hearing about how youth group goes (although it might make me miss you more...). I'll try giving you a call soon, okay?

Kirsten said...

Yes! Good! It'll be SO good to have a conversation/hear your voice again soon!!!