Monday, November 17, 2008


Well, there's been a lot of procrastinating going on with me lately. I've failed to post on this in over a month again, and am procrastinating on writing my essay for AP Euro on the discussion we had in class about the Enlightenment (specifically Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau). I have no desire whatsoever to write this essay, especially since I've very sleep deprived as I've stayed up late working on other papers and reading and wonderful things like that for the same class. On the plus side, all my work and sleep sacrifice paid off for my test today. I just checked online and found out I got a B- which is AMAZING for that class!!! The highest test grade I've had all year is a B. It's been really interesting seeing my perspective on grades change, though. Any time before this year, if I didn't get A's in my classes, the world was coming to an end. Now, my opinion on how well I did has to do with how hard I worked and how much I learned. Take for example, The Reformation chapter that we did. I got a D on that test (*gasp*), but I learned a lot and found it really interesting. Although it bugged me a bit at first because I thought I actually knew the stuff (of course, it never fails that the stuff I know really well is the stuff that isn't on the test...), I'm finding that that's one of the chapters that I've retained the most information about. Just yesterday, I was talking to our pastor about all this history stuff and I practically rambled off all of Martin Luther's life plus some other random facts about the Reformation. It was actually pretty cool.

So youth group. We've met thrice now (I find thrice a fun word to say... or type, in this case) and it's been really good all three times!! Jer has gone through some different parables and I find it so cool that although they're parables that I've read/heard multiple times, there are still so many new things that can be pulled out of them!! Afterwards has been good, too. I've gotten to talk with people that I only see once a week otherwise and that's been cool, too. Bekah and I have kind of stuck together like we're joined at the hip lately at church and have recently decided that we really need to be more sociable with other people. So yesterday after church, I spent my time talking to Pastor Matt, Jessie and her siblings (I hadn't seen her sister Rachel in forever and her brother Austin, I've only met a couple times before), and Heather. I love devloping new relationships with people and it was just really cool talking to everyone.

Jessie and I are also doing a study together. We're going to go through
The Sovereignty of God by A. W. Pink. We met for the first time last week on Tuesday and mostly just decided what we were going to do for the next week (which is tomorrow, and I still haven't read the Introduction, which is what we were supposed to do for tomorrow), worked on our memory verse for youth group, and just talked. It was really neat talking to her, which I haven't really done one-on-one with her since Mississippi. I'm super excited to see how this develops!!

Well, I really need to go and finish this paper and hopefully, it won't be so long until next time!! Just shoot an e-mail my way when it's been too long and I'll hopefully get right on updating! :)

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