Wednesday, March 4, 2009

After 5 and a half hours, you'd be hysterical, too

Well, so much for the musical running more smoothly. Actaully, I guess it kind of is, but not really? Okay, let me explain myself. So we started rehersal today at 3:00. We got done with the cast around 7:30/7:45ish maybe? Well, the pit orchestra director decided that we needed to stay after and work on some things. We were there until 8:30. In total, that made 5 and a half hours of rehearsing. After we got done, Paula, Rachel, and I were standing around waiting for our rides and could not stop laughing. That was phase one of the hysteria. Then I started running around the orchestra room like a maniac. Under no normal circumstances would I have been running around looking that foolish, because oh my goodness, I'm sure I looked INCREDIBLY foolish. I got a ride home from Rachel's brother instead of taking the 15/20 minutes to walk home. I walked in the door, looked at the clock, and my dad came over to give me a hug and I just started bawling. It was actually kind of a scary experience. My dad ended up taking me to Sonic (which came to Eau Claire in October, but I hadn't been there until tonight, but had been wanting to SOOO badly as it's got some great memories for me from Arizona) since I hadn't eaten anything (well, not really) since lunch time. On our way there, I just talked a bunch (about our laughing fits, and how upset I was that I entirely missed youth group!!!) and that helped my brain to start coming back together again. So now, it's 11:05 and the ONLY reason I'm still up is because I have to wait 2 hours after having any food before taking my typhoid pill. It's been 1 hour and 50 minutes. And I figure, that's close enough. So I'm going to go and take that now and GO TO SLEEP.
Sorry this was kind of almost pointless. Although, it is quite a prayer request that there would be no more hysteric episodes the rest of the week. For me, or anybody else in the cast.
Goodnight all!

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