Monday, April 13, 2009

Quick(ish) Update

1) WE HAVE OUR TRAVEL DATES FOR CHINA!!!! My parents will leave on April 29 and return with my little brother, well actually my two little brothers, on May 14th at 5:00 pm!! We've actually had this information for about a week, I'm just a little slow...

2) I've got a prayer request. I am going in tomorrow to have a bone scan. A week ago, my right shin started hurting after I ran. I ignored it the first day, because it wasn't excruciating pain and I thought that my leg just hurt. No big deal. After it hurt again on Tuesday, just earlier in my run, I went to the athletic trainer at school, and she said I probably had shin splints and should just take it a bit easier-- do shorter/slower runs. After it only got worse on Wednesday, I was told to come in before practice on Thursday, which is when I was banned from running and told that I need to get it checked out by a doctor to make sure it's not a stress fracture. So my mom and I went into Urgent Care on Thursday night and found out that I need to get a bone scan. Also, I'm pretty sure the guy who looked at me thinks it's a stress fractures. To really freak me out, he told me that I might go and see the bone doctor and he might tell me that I can't run anymore beacuse I might be prone to these types of things. Forever? I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope not. I love running. In church yesterday, though, my dad was praying something along the lines of how everyone who was sick and how when we were in Heaven we wouldn't have to deal with that. It would all be gone. Same with my shin issues. So really, "forever" on earth, really is nothing. Even if I can never run again until I die, I really do have FOREVER to run. Just thought that was pretty sweet. Anyways, the pain has just been getting worse and worse every day, and today especially it was super bad. So tomorrow is the bone scan. 8:00 I have to go in and get an injection and 11:00 is the actual bone scan. Please be praying!

3) I will get pictures up soon. Hopefully. I promise. (If that made any sense at all...) I'm not sure how in the world I'll fit them all on here, so I might just make a video slideshow of a few of my favorites and put that on here instead. The only bummer about that is that you'd then have to wait for the movie instead of being able to scroll right through... Any better ideas??

Well, I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is a big day and I'm sleep deprived. I hope you all have a marvelous day tomorrow and I will hopefully be back up with a bone scan update/results and hopefully pictures once I can figure out how to get them all on here!!!

I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul makes its boast in the Lord;
let the humble hear and be glad.
Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together!

Psalm 34:1-3

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