Thursday, April 16, 2009

The results are in...

...and I do have a stress fracture. We got a call on Tuesday night saying that I have a grade 1 to 2 stress fracture and can't run for probably something around four weeks. Then, today, I got pulled out of 7th hour French at 2:30... to go get crutches. I'm not sure how long I have to have them, but I'm not supposed to put my full weight on my right leg, and approximately 50% instead. The Viennese Ball this weekend should be interesting... Actually, I'm trying to convince my parents to let me go without crutches and let me dance at least a couple dances. The way I look at it, I can actually fake swing dance without really even putting any pressure on my right leg. Of course, then I have to stay in the same place the whole time, but it's something!

Also, WE HAVE WEBCAMS!!!!! I know that some of you (*cough* Botzets *cough* ;)) have Skype and my family got a couple webcams so that my family and I can communicate while they're in China. Anyways, I thought I might let you know so that I can talk with y'all, too! So... my screen name like thing is kirsten.rieck and I'm pretty sure that we should talk soon. ;)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yeah!! You have Skype! I added you...let me know if you get my invite or however that works.

Sorry to hear about your injury!