Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

Well, this seems to be the month of birthdays and just thought I'd say a quick Happy Birthday to all of you guys who DO have a birthday in May!!

May 12-Eric
May 13-Laura
May 15-Mrs. Botzet
May 17-Jordan, Micah K.
May 25-Pastor Lee
May 26-Maria
May 27-Katie R.
May 29-Jenny
May 30-Grandma Joan

Well, I'm hoping that I didn't forget anyone, although I'm pretty sure I probably did.... so Happy Birthday to everybody!!!

Also VERY exciting May event.... PRINCE CASPIAN COMES OUT ON THE 16TH!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for that you wouldn't even believe it!!!!!! I'm acctually in the process of re-reading the book right now since I haven't read it since about 5th grade and I really don't remember what happens in it. Acctually there's kind of a funny story to go along with that... On Sunday I decided I was going to start reading through that before the movie came out on Friday and when I went to go get the book, all of the Narnia books were there except for that one. So my little brother, Andrew, had been reading them and that was the last one he read (forever ago, I might add) and when I asked him for it back, he couldn't find it. I made him look for half an hour with no luck and so when my parents went out to run some errands, they got me a new copy-with movie pictures!!! I was pretty pumped... but still kinda dissappointed that I no longer have my complete acctual set... so I'm still looking for the book, just not as thouroughly (if that's even how you spell that). So I read the first 3 chapters on Sunday night and haven't had a chance to read it since then until today in French after my test, so now I have chapter 4 read. I guess I'd better get going on that. :)


Jennifer said...

Aw, thanks girl! Happy Birthday to you on the 27th! May is such a great birthday month, isn't it? :-)

Kirsten said...

oh, most definately! ;)