Monday, May 5, 2008

A Very Sleep-deprived Kirsten

Some of you guys know this, but I've kind of had a history of having a bunch of headaches constantly all around one period of time. The first time (that I acctually remember doing something about them), they got better after we started going to the chiropractor. The second time, they got better after I started taking cold lunch ALL the time (because otherwise my lunch money would run out and I would forget to pack lunches... oops) and got some protein in me during the middle of the day. And now, I'm having them again. After talking with my chiropractor today and with my parents, we think the reason might be that I'm super sleep deprived. If I'm LUCKY, I get 7 hours of sleep, and I need about 9 and a half. There's also the stress factor. All of a sudden, all my teachers have decided that we need more homework and I've got homework coming out of my ears. I've also got a bunch of after school activities that I've been doing, and I have like NO time for much of anything else. I've been getting really anxious for school to end, but also am looking for a summer job. So, I'm off to bed now (about an hour earlier than normal) and hopefully after a while, I won't be so sleep deprived and I hopefully won't keep having these headaches!


Jennifer said...

This is a verse that the Lord brought me to last month when I was definitely not sleeping enough: "It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for He gives ot His beloved sleep." Psalm 127:2
I have it taped up by my computer...tis a good reminder!

Eric said...

Hey Kirsten,
I'm praying for you as you struggle with your headaches. Get your rest...God is the one who is in control of everything!