Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Favorite Authors

I was tagged with this by Jenny and sorry it's taken me so long!! I was just catching up on my daily dose of Jenny today when I saw this!

Who is your favorite author and why?

After thinking for quite a while about this, I think I would have to say Jodi Picoult because there are few authors that I will read their books because they're the one who wrote them. I've only read two of her books (Nineteen Minutes and My Sister's Keeper), but I thoroughly enjoyed both and have put a couple of reserves on some of her books at the library. One of the reasons I like her books is because she deals with such different/interesting topics. Although there are a couple things in the books that I don't agree with, I really enjoyed them besides that.

Who was your first favorite author and why?

Probably Judy Bloom. I used to love reading her Fudge books. I don't really remember anything about them now (I can barely remember what the titles were!), but I do remember that when I was in third or fourth grade, I wrote a letter to her giving suggestions for what other topics she should write her books on. :)

Who is the newest addition to your favorite authors and why?

This goes back to Jodi Picoult again. I just started reading her books earlier this year and have really enjoyed them. I've also had fun reading Stephenie Meyer (who- for those of you who've heard me talking about this- wrote the vampire books :) ). The books are different, but strangely addicting...

I would tag some of you guys, but the only other person I know on Blogger is Jenny and she's obviously already done it! So I guess just e-mail them to me or some other way! I'd love to hear who some of your favorites are!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thanks girl, you are sweet! :-) Judy Blume is a good choice...I still have my copy of "Superfudge" and "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing".