Monday, July 21, 2008

Kirsten Returns... for a while, at least

I was at camp this past week- Camp Forest Springs. So much happened that I'm pretty sure I would bore you all if I told you everything... even if all I told you was exciting. Of course, if you really do want to hear all about it, feel free to call or e-mail or something, but otherwise I'll just give you the one (or maybe two) biggest things I got out of camp.

The biggest thing is that as of Wednesday, I was REALLY convicted that I needed a more personal relationship with Jesus. As I was praying that night and many girls around me were crying (it was the girls' night when all the boys were on their camp-out), this random image came to my mind of me running up to Jesus and just giving Him a great, big hug. And I wanted so badly to tell Him that He had always been my very best friend. At this point in my life, if I were to be taken home right now, I'm not sure if I would be able to tell Him that. I want so badly for Him to be my best friend, and I've gone around saying that He was my best friend, but I haven't acctually had an extremely personal relationship with Him. I've prayed and read my Bible, but often times it just feels like going through the actions. And I definately know that I don't pray even a fraction of the amount that I should be praying (of course, I'm pretty sure you can never pray enough). So I've decided to give up my "thinking time" before I go to bed (which I'm pretty sure kept me up an unhealthily amount of time) and I pray before I go to bed and just keep talking to God until I fall asleep. It keeps me up a little while, sure, but there's something very calming about talking to God. I've also started my day praying, too, right when I wake up. It's been incredible and I love it! God is SO good!!

Another thing is that we talked a little bit about the universe this week and on Friday night, my cabin walked up to the recreation field and looked up at the stars and talked. I find it so amazing how in a universe so huge and awesome, God still cares about me and loves me personally. It makes me feel so small and insignificant, but even how small I am compared to all that, God still sees me as his daughter. His princess. Again, I think, wow. God is SO amazing!!

I guess I should probably get to bed because last week was full of late nights and it's been late nights since I've been home, too, and I am wiped!! Maybe I'll talk more about camp later, but I'll for sure keep you updated on everything else!!

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