Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Ok, normally it's pretty much impossible to get me sick... but in the past month or so, I've gotten stay-at-home sick 2 (maybe 3 today) times. Yesterday was #2. My parents thought I had what my dad had a week ago, which included stomach ickiness and a headache. Andrew acctually came home around 1:15 or so sick, too. The only difference was that he got sick, threw up, went and took a 2 hour nap and he was pretty much all better. So anyways, now today... I was in the shower and randomly got this major crampinng/pinching-like feeling on my right side to the point where I couldn't move anything, or take my hand off my side or it would be quite a bit more painful. Breathing even hurt a little bit if I sucked in too much air at once. It got a bit better after I got out of the shower, and now it's only minorly hurting, but we're still taking me to Urgent Care to check it out. I have to keep reminding myself that God is in control and whatever happens, He's got it all worked out and it will be for His glory. Oops... time to go!!! Please be praying!!

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