Sunday, April 27, 2008


I think that internet is terrible for me because that's pretty much how I procrastinate. I really need to practice (but I prefer not to when my family is here because I feel weird...) and I really need to get caught up in Pride & Prejudice for English. I love that book, but it's not the kind of book where you can just sit down and read it forever. So anyways, I figured that it's been a week since I last posted, and I figured, "Hmm... maybe I should do that..." So after this, I need to do some of the stuff I need to get done.
I had a few pretty awesome things happen this week. The first one being on Wednesday. We had a field trip for English to the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis to see A Midsummer Night's Dream. I wasn't really sure what to excpect, and almost leaning a bit towards expecting it to be kinda boring and confusing. That was not the case AT ALL. It was SO funny!!! I acctually started crying at parts because it was so funny. It was set in more modern day time, but stuck to the Shakespeare language, which they did in the newer version of Romeo & Juliet movie. We watched the end of that in English class and I really didn't like it. But I really loved how they did it at the Guthrie. We also got to talk to some of the people involved in the play before we saw it and we got to talk to one of the actors, which was my favorite person in the play. He was hillarious!!
Then on Friday I went on another field trip for Orchestra. We went to the Minnesota Science Museum and then saw the Minnesota Orchestra. The science museum was really fun. We did this really weird animation thing where you're supposed to plan your poses out and when they put them all together, it kinda looks like you're moving. We did something kinda like the wave. I think the coolest that we saw, though, was the mummy. I was totally fascinated. It was really cool in a disgusting, amazing kind of way. Then we all got to go off on our own for dinner and I and 4 friends went to this Chinese place which was really good. One of my friends spilled her water all over me and got rice in my shoe because they were giving me blisters and I had them off. But it's all good. I survived. :)
Last night we went over to a couple's house (Katie and Jeremiah) from our church and Katie made white chili for us and it was AMAZING!! Katie had called earlier in the day and acctually said that she was really glad that it was cold out so she could make it for us and show it off. She's so funny. :) So after that, we played Monopoly for like 3 hours and still didn't finish. I had the most money and property at the end, and was given the title of winner for that game. I've never won that game, so it was pretty much a "woah!" moment. I had so much fun playing, though! I'm pretty sure I would've lost, though, if Katie and everyone hadn't kept reminding me when people landed on my spots.
Then today, I went to a WoCo concert, which was really cool. Their themes were hope and love. Their first song, they were all in the aisles and all the lights were completely turned off and it was really cool. I got chills. There were also dancers to one of my favorite songs and they did this REALLY weird interpretive-like dance to the song and I honestly really didn't like it. I thought it was really weird and kind of distracting. But oh well. What can you do, right? Over all, the concert was really amazing!! Yay WoCo!! :)
Well... time to go get that stuff done. But I don't know... you might have a whole 'nother (I say that all the time, but have NO idea how to write it) version of this to read if I feel the need to procrastinate again!

Just kidding. :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Sounds like you had a fun week! We saw Hamlet at the Guthrie before we left the good ol' Midwest, and it was so good. It was the last play they did on the old Guthrie building.

I never knew it was possible to actually finish a game of Monopoly until Micah and I played it last fall. It seriously takes forever sometimes! Congrats on winning! :-)