Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I'm Okay!!

Alright, well we went to Urgent Care around 7:00 and got back a little bit after 9:00. After talking to the doctor, he thought that it could be some build up in my intestines, appendicitis, or an infection in my gall bladder. So I had blood drawn, x-rays were taken, and a urinary sample. After everything, the x-rays pretty much gave it away. There was gas in my intestines and my intestines were trying to squeeze to get it out or something like that. So now I'm just waiting for the cramping to go away and maybe I'll end up going to school later. I missed last Wednesday, part of Friday, yesterday, and now at least some of today. I really SHOULD go to school, but the thing is... what's the use if I'm not even going to be getting anything out of it because I'm too worried about cramping? Oh, and the doctor did say that the cramping should go away and if it doesn't, we should go back in to get it checked out because in the early stages of appendicitis, the white blood cell count can be normal. So there's still a chance of appendicitis, but that's (thankfully) not what he thinks it is as of right now!! Thanks for your prayers!

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