Saturday, May 3, 2008

Earth Science + important project = bad grade for Kirsten!!

Alright, so I've got this project for Earth Science where we have to make the layers of the earth. We get to use one container, and have to make it as if we stuck that container into the core of the earth... what we would see. The layers have to be proportional, and similar structure and composition. I have pretty much NO ideas (especially what to do about the liquid layer) and if you guys happen to read this by tomorrow (Sunday, May 3) and have any ideas for how to make this work... that would be lovely!! My container is an old peanut butter jar, if that makes any difference.

So... here's a mini update on Kirsten's life: Last night I went out to Applebee's with a couple friends and afterwards went to the college campus worship thing, Unified. The first half of the night, there were only a couple of songs I knew, but towards the last half I knew a lot of them and it was really cool because in one of the songs, I think almost every person in the room (for those of you guys who have been to UWEC, Hibbard 100 was completely filled and just about overflowing) had their hands raised and it was really amazing. It felt like being at camp again. Being surrounded by a TON of people whose hearts are on fire for God. Acctually, it's kind of similar to what church is like for me nowdays. Well, minus the TONS of people. But the same type of atmosphere. It was really cool. Now today, I went to a few friends' Irish dance recital and they did amazing. One of my friends acctually had a migrane and her back was hurting and sat out on the first couple dances she was supposed to do, but was able to get back in there for the last dances. They all did a really good job! The recital was at our old church and it was really cool because I walked in, and everything was familliar, but it just wasn't home. It didn't feel like I was going there for church or youth group or anything else. It felt like I was going there to watch some friends in a dance recital and it was such a blessing to feel that. To have a church family and a church home away from that, which truly did feel like home. God has most definately blessed my family and me with this new group of people at our new church... our family. It's pretty amazing how God can put a bunch of people in your life at church and just about instantly, you can already be family. That's what happened at the church that we're at now, and not kidding, there are some things that they know about me that not even some of my closest friends from school know about me and I think that's pretty cool!! I'm definately seeing the reason why they're called brothers and sisters in Christ!!!!!!


Jess said...

How about silly putty?
And playdough?
And, if you need liquid, colored water (food coloring)?
Gak? (do they even make that anymore?)
Laffy Taffy?
Sand glued on paper?
Okay, I think I'm out of ideas ;)

Jess said...

Or, this may seem rather obvious given the container you are using, but how about peanut butter???

Jennifer said...

Sorry girl, no ideas as of now...but Jess, Gak!! I had completely forgotten that Gak existed! I remember when I was in first grade and TJ Johnson had some on the bus, and I was so jealous. Sigh...the good ole days!

Kirsten said...

haha isn't funny how you can remember the most random things like that... like names and little experiences like that? I acctually did end up using gak acctually and got full points for using it!! Except most of my layers ended up running together and you could only see a few layers, but I still got a B+!! Thanks for all the ideas, Jess!! I was seriously considering Laffy Taffy but then I decided that would be a waste of perfectly good taffy :)))
oh, and Jenny, if you're getting a bit jealous, all you need to do is mix some corn starch with a bit of water and add food coloring ;)