Sunday, March 9, 2008

Busy, busy, busy!

Alright, well, I haven't written since what, Thursday? And I have a BAZILLION things to share!! So much has happened to me in the past couple days it's just insane!! So we'll start with Friday... or how about Friday night? (the only other interesting thing about Friday was Laura and I watching LOST on the computer, which the quality was better than I remembered... but we're both pretty sure that we don't want Juliet around anymore because she just gets in the way of things. But next week should be about Sun and Jin, I think, which are my favorite people and I'm super pumped!!)

So Rachel and I went to the honors orchestra rehersal which overall, went pretty well. My mom came to pick us up after the rehersal and we had to fit a full size bass and a full size cello into the van. That was pretty interesting.... We had to put both of the back seats down to fit the bass in, and then we stuck my cello right in front of the side door, which in that van is the only door into the back. And since Andrew came along, both Rachel and I had to sit in the back... illegally... on the folded down seats... It was pretty bad, but there really wasn't any other way to get everything home, which is the only reason why my mom tolerated it. So anyway, my mom drove us to Rachel's house and I stayed there for the night because we had yet another rehersal Saturday morning at 10:00 and it was just easier to carpool that way. Rachel's sister, Heather, and I talked about meniscuses (or our translation- the line where the water ends) and cracked up about that for a while, and then we watched My Summer Story which is sort of a sequel to A Christmas Story and I've never acctually seen the first one (gasp, I know) so I don't really know what to compare it to, but it was just.... weird. And I can't say that I really like it or anything because it didn't really even have a plot!! I tend to enjoy things more when they have a plot.... and the plot thickens. :) So after that, Rachel and I went to bed and it was probably around 11:30 when we fell asleep.

Saturday morning we woke up (I, unwillingly) and Rachel's mom made us french toast and tea, which we drank from little Japanese teacups, and we were off to rehersal again. So after rehersal, my mom picked us up (except this time we could just leave our instruments at the State Theatre) and we dropped Rachel off and I came home and just kind of vegged out until Rachel called wanting to go shopping for black sweaters to wear over our dresses. So I agreed to go and I'm pretty sure we looked through almost all of the stores in the mall before Rachel picked one out that she liked and then we went to Savers to look for me because I couldn't find anything less than $10, which is what my mom gave me. :) But I acctually did find a pretty cute black sweater there, and it looked nice with the dress. As we were driving around Heather and Rachel were singing to this Sesame Street tape that they had, which was definately pretty funny. :) So another hour and a half passes after Rachel dropped me off and then she's all of a sudden back again with Arith (her brother) driving us to our final rehersal... and then our concert. It turns out we were half an hour early... oh joy. But I got a lot of good practicing done, so that was good. And then.... the concert. Which acctually went really well!! That was the best I ever played it! Which is also quite a good thing. So then the acctuall symphony orchestra played and a junior from Memorial who's acctually in orchestra (and Jazz 1) played piano and it was absolutely amazing! Seriously, that should not even be possible.

And today... John Raymond came to church with us again today and the Van Goors were there again, too. Matt preached on "little sins" today and it was really convicting. How it starts out looking and then we linger and then we live it out and then we're lounging in it. And I've noticed that in my own life, too, how true that is. So Annika, Jessie, Bekah and I (and Bethany once she finishes this semester) are going to be doing a dance class... Annika is going to be teaching us and it's confirmed for Wednesdays at 3:15 and we also decided on swing and I'm SOOOOO excited!! I'll be sure to keep you guys updated on that. Then around 2:30, Jess came and picked me up and we went to Cold Stone and were there for like an hour and a half talking and people watching which I think is the most hillarious thing ever. We also noticed one of their smoothies... made with sorbet and MOUNTAIN DEW. Does that sound absolutely bizarre and sort of gross to anyone else? We thought it was really weird and kept waiting for someone to order it so we could see what exactly it was, but no one ever got it... We weren't too surprised. :)

I've also got another very exciting piece of news for you guys, but I'm afraid if I say it now, I'll just keep talking about it and I REALLY need to get to bed because I'm wiped. So next time... Stay tuned!! :)

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