Monday, March 31, 2008


Well, today has been... interesting. I was starting to feel sick last night at McDermott's and thought I was pretty much better this morning. It kinda turned out that I was wrong... I got to second hour Photography, and got an awful headache and started getting really warm. Then my stomach threatened to turn me upside-down. So between 2nd and 3rd hour, I called my mom and she came to get me. I tried laying down for about an hour and a half, but never fell asleep. So I got up, at some crackers and watched My Girl, which I had never seen before. I watched it on our Netflix online thing. If you haven't seen the movie, though, I recommend it. It was super cute, except I cried through the last half an hour, which probably wasn't good for my headache... but it was a really cute movie. I've still got that headache, and I'm starting to get warm again, which I was hoping wouldn't happen. I really wanted to go to Bible study tonight, and we're starting When I don't Desired God, but it's okay because we also just started that last night at McDermott's. It's still a bummer, though.

I acctually have a prayer request, though. On Friday, a non-Christian friend of mine, Alyssa, is having her birthday party. It's an overnight thing and then on Saturday we're going to Mall of America. Laura is also going to that, and it's just going to be the three of us. So Alyssa and I have been getting pretty close lately, and so my prayer request is that this weekend Laura and I would be able to minister to her. I've also been thinking about sometime bringing her to church with my family. So just be praying for this weekend, and for her in general. Thanks!!!


Jennifer said...

Hey Girl~

Know that I will be praying for you and Laura this weekend!

Also, I've seen "My Girl" a few times and I always cry through that last half hour's such a sad movie! Probably not a good one to watch when you already have a headache...I guess you know for the future now. :-)


Kirsten said...

Thank you for the prayers!! They're appreciated sooo much! I'll be sure to keep you updated on that.

And I guess I do know for the future now... that does limit some of my selection, now, though. :)