Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Alright, so yesterday... I spent probably a bit over 7 hours cleaning my room. No, it wasn't THAT messy... I just went all out cleaning it. I cleaned off my dressers and desk, under my bed (which wasn't that messy because I cleaned under there a bit over a month ago), I went through all of my drawers in my desk (which were pretty much overflowing) and threw away most of the stuff, cleaned out the corners of my room that I haven't touched in probably a year (ick, I know), vacuumed for like half an hour because there was so much that I hadn't vacuumed in forever, and rearranged my room. Oh, and the obvious picking up the stuff on the floor. I'm still not completely done because when I moved my stuff around, I had to put some other stuff out of the way. But I decided not to do that today. So anyways... I'm pretty exhausted.

Church this morning was amazing, as always, though. One thing that really stuck out to me was when he was talking about hoping and specifically for Heaven. So we looked at this verse (which I sadly can't remember what it was) that said Heavens which referenced the invisible spiritual kingdom around us. It was really cool and I've been thinking about that a lot today. Annaka (yes, I've been spelling her name wrong... so sorry to Annaka!!) and her family weren't there today, which was sad. I'll see her on Wednesday for dance, though. But it still wasn't quite the same without her. You know how when you get together with a group of friends, and there's one person missing that's usually there, and it's just different? Not bad, but just different? Well, it was kind of like that... I did miss her, though.

It's about time to go to the McDermott's (Jake is already here... so I've had an interesting day since he got here...) and I still need to finish folding some sheets. So I'd better get going!! But I will hopefully be back on soon!

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