Thursday, March 6, 2008


Okay, so I think I just may have to go to therapy for this... High school basketball is on instead of LOST and LOST won't be on until 1:05 this morning!!!!! Seriuosly, how could anyone do such a thing?? It will be on the ABC website tomorrow, but to be honest, those are just not very good quality. It skips a ton and it's kinda hard to see sometimes. Ugh. Oh well.

Anways, so about some other things that would probably be more interesting for you guys to hear... I'll start with our church situation. For those who don't know, we're not at Salem anymore and are now attending Sovereign Grace and my parents have acctually talked with Matt (the pastor) about becoming members. I seriuosly LOVE this church!!! The worship is so incredible because everyone is so centered on God and they sing just because they love to worship. And the messages are amazing! I come back every week SO glad we are where we are. And the people are so... I don't even know how to describe them.... just wonderful! I've already made some really good friends there and we've started planning doing things together. And it's a really cool God thing that there's acctually another freshman girl, Annika!!! Out of my entire life, there's only been about 3 years or so that I've had girls my age at our church. And it's been about the same for her, that there haven't really been any girls her age, so it was also pretty exciting for her, too. Acctually, I think they had been praying about that. So that's another cool thing. Then there's Jessie, a junior (I believe) in high school, and Katie, who is eight years out of college and married, and the Van Goors have been coming to church with us the past few weeks, too. But I'm already so close with some of them and I was talking to my mom about it and she described it partly being because they're not hiding anything. When we talk to them, they just pour their hearts out and don't feel like they have to put on a "good Christian act" like I've seen so many Christians do. If you've ever listened to the song "Stained Glass Masquerade" by Casting Crowns, thats a part of what I mean by the "good Christian act."

Also- about the adoption.... Well, the referrals are finally in 2006, which is when our log-in date is!! Our log-in date is March 13 (it's almost been 2 years!) and we're predicting that we probably will get the referral sometime around the beginning of 2009. Which is a bummer. Pretty much the only thing getting me through this is that God's timing is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT and so even though He's making us wait for a SUPER long time, it's still all for the best and all for His glory. The other day, my mom was in the Christian Bible Bookstore and they were selling these lambs and you could pay $5.00 and they would give one to an orphan (which I thought was a super great idea). And then you could also buy one of your own, and so my mom came home and talked about it with my dad (and I just so happened to be in the room and became a part of the conversation) and we all agreed that she should go back and get one for Hannah. So she did the next day and we named her Gracie because Hannah means grace and the name Gracie is just cute. So this is acctually a picture of me with Gracie.

Alrighty you guys, well I hope you have a blessed rest of the day!!


Oh, and if any of you guys want to help me out with the whole name of my blog thing, that would help me out a ton because I'm just not that creative and I would end up coming up with something such as, "Kirsten's Blog" or something. Creative, right? Not so much. So any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!

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