Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Break!

I am so incredibly happy that it's spring break. I love sleeping in every morning, having all this time to just read, play cards, and do stuff with my family. We're at my grandparents' house in Illinois and I totally love it that I really don't have all that much to say that's incredibly recent. It's super nice to have those periods of your life where you can just sit down and not really have anything going on. Then again, I'm glad it's not like this all the time, because that could eventually end up getting boring. Although I do seem to handle summer pretty well... I still don't think I could do it all the time, though.

Pretty much the most exciting thing that's happened recently is that a few girls from our church and I started doing dance class! We did that last Wednesday, and it was super fun. Although, Bekah and I drove around Chippewa Falls for about 45 minutes because we couldn't find the building. We had tried calling Annika's house (we thought her parents might be able to give us directions, since they must have dropped her off earlier or at least would know where to find her), we tried calling my house (my mom is incredibly amazing with directions), and we even ended up talking to this one guy who lived in Chippewa, but ended up not really helping us. So we called Annika's house once more and left a message, just to apologize, if anything. We also left the number of the cell phone for them to call us back on if they got the message within the near future. As it turns out, Annika's brother had been home, but he just doesn't answer the phone and had called their mom or something, who called us and got us there. We felt so bad, but were able to get there and do quite a bit anyways. It was also kind of nice because Jessie got there just a few minutes after us because she doesn't get out of school until later. So we all started at the same time.

So now a bit more up to date... we're at my grandparents house and already I'm addicted to a couple more shows. Maia (my dad's cousin who is living with my grandparent's right now) and I watched the season premiere of Dancing With the Stars (the first night... the guys) and then we watched The Bachelor afterwards. We agreed that the chicks on that show are just desperate and quite pathetic, but yet, we still have our favorites. I'm pretty sure I won't keep watching that, though, because it's on Monday nights, when we have Bible study, and there's no way I would give up that for a TV show. Tuesday and Wednesday night, we watched American Idol, which apparently, my dad's entire side of the family watches that. So I watched that with them, and I'm pretty sure I'm already addicted. There's only 10 left in this season, and after only one week, I can tell you who I like and don't like. David Archuleta is my favorite... he has an amazing voice and unbelievably, is only seventeen. I like Jason, too, and I think Brooke is super cute. Chikezie makes me smile just watching him, and Carly's got some talent. I've also decided that Kristy Lee Cook just needs to go. I have no clue how she's still in the competition. So tonight is Thursday... LOST night!!! Last week, there were some pretty crazy things presented and I still haven't quite figured out the whole Sun and Jin thing. I think Sun was having a flash forward and Jin was having a flash back, but no matter what theory of anyone's is right, it was still super depressing to see Sun at Jin's gravestone.

Hmm... well, it's 4:07 and I'm still not dressed. Ahh, the joys of spring break. :) But maybe I should go do that...especially since we're going to something at my grandparents' church tonight, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to go in my PJs. I hope you all have a marvelous rest of the week!!

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