Monday, April 7, 2008

April 18th

So there's been this really big rumor going around school that some kid was going to come to school on Friday, April 18th (the anniversary of Columbine) with a gun. Almost everyone I've talked to outside of Laura and Rachel and people, have said they're not going to school that day because they were so freaked out. This has gotten so serious that our principal spent a few minutes over the announcement system talking about it. So you'd think that hearing that there's the slightest possibility that some kid might be coming into my school would freak me out, but the cool thing is that I've just felt this calmness throughout hearing about this. The thing is that even if there were to be a shooting, and I were to be shot, and I died, it's not a moment before God wanted me home. Whatever happens, God has had it planned since... well, since forever. That's the cool thing about being a follower of Christ- we don't need to fear death, we can acctually look forward to it. I just read Revalation 21 a few nights ago and was just overjoyed and so excited. I think the coolest part of that chapter, is that the reason we won't need a sun or any other light because that's how great God's glory is. God's glory gives us light. That's just so amazing!! And applying that to the whole kid with a gun thing... it's the same God. The same God whose glory will give off light is the same God who will be sovereign and get glory from whatever happens on April 18th. Which is so amazingly comforting and just awesome.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Very comforting and awesome is right...amen to that!