Thursday, April 10, 2008


Well, I've had an insane couple of days. I'd have to say that yesterday was a lot better than today, though. So yesterday, was Wednesday, meaning we had dance. But Bekah wasn't able to make and so my mom drove me to Chippewa Falls and just spent the lesson time at Higher Grounds. So we basically did the normal stretching stuff and reviewing of the ballet positons and things of that sort. And we went over our dance and did some swing dancing. But there was something that we haven't done. We did 100 different kinds of sit-ups. It was totally insane and I'm pretty sure I've felt it all day long! Apparently, we're working on our 6 packs. :) So then next week, we're doing 200 and adding push-ups!! Yes, definately insane! So after dance, after some talking to our mothers, Annaka came back to Eau Claire with us (after stopping at her house for nicer clothes) to see Bethany play in her senior recital-which she did AMAZING in!! So we had quite a bit of fun sitting in my room talking and listening to music. It's really cool because I just feel so comfortable with her and we've both decided we need to do something like that again soon.

So today.... I was sort of an emotional wreck. I'm not sure quite what set it off, but I got way too stressed out and when my mom picked me up from the nasty weather of rain/snow (it was pretty much raining slush) I just started crying. I kinda felt bad because she got all shocked and was trying to help, but there's only so much you can do when you're driving and all I really needed was a hug. So I got home and talked about just one of the things that set me off and then she told me to go take a hot shower and then we could talk more. Which was a really good thing for me to do. It gave me some time to just cool down, chill out, and start thinking more logically than emotionally. Most of all, it was a good time to just pray. Basically, what happened in a nutshell was that I've been slapped in the face with the reality and sin of the world. A lot of contravercial topics have been coming up lately. With the whole school shooting thing, I overheard a few people in geometry talking and one of them asked, "If someone were to come into your classroom and tell anyone who believed in God to stand up, would you do it?" and 2 out of the three of them said they wouldn't and the other one said yes, but sort of hesitated. And all of them claim to be Christians. It was a sad thing to be listening to. Then there's been the whole issue with the Health teacher at the middle school I went to, who just announced to all of her classes that she was a homosexual. Acctually, some of you guys may acctually hear about that, because I've heard that there are newspapers and news stations that are picking up this story all around the country. I acctually had her when I was in 6th and 7th grade and she... well, there were some inappropriate things that came up. And yes, I know there will be uncomfortable things that come up, but these were things that were not in the curriculum. So those plus friend drama issues... yes, AGAIN... (which was acctually the main reason) have made my day quite interesting and emotional.

Well, I've got two tests tomorrow... one in Geometry, and the other in History, which is on ALL of WWII. A lot of stuff. I'm thinking maybe I should go over that again before tomorrow.... And hopefully I'll be a little bit less emotional by then!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hey Girl,

I'm praying for you! Public schools is your mission field right now...God has placed you there Kirsten to be a light for Christ in a dark place. I am thankful that God is continuing to keep you sensitive to sin...that is so much better than getting so used to it that it doesn't affect you at all. Keep drawing your strength from Him each day. Love you!