Thursday, November 12, 2009

Second Best Surprise EVER!!

Hey!!! It hasn't been a seven month interval since I've last blogged!! YAY!! Well, anyways, my friend Zody invited me to go with her to this Songs of Hope concert that was held on Tuesday night. Bethany Dillon was singing, which is why Zody had really wanted to go. There was also another band that I didn't know... Robbie Seay Band or something like that? Anyways, Zody and I got to Peace Lutheran Church, where the concert was held (it was a fairly small concert...) and we were just talking about the people who were singing. Zody read her ticked and it said that Caleb Chapman was performing. I just about died. And I just about died even more when I found out that Will was there too! (For those of you who don't know, Caleb and Will are the two sons of Steven Curtis Chapman) Ever since the accident with Maria 18 months ago (I only know that because I read an article online today that CNN did about it), I've prayed for them A TON. I've never really stopped. Some weeks or days more than others, God really puts them on my heart. I actually almost wrote them a letter a few months ago, but never got around to it. So this was amazing that they were there and so unexpectedly!! Neither Zody nor I had any idea they were going to be there. So afterwards, Zody and I stuck around so I could meet them. :) I bought their CD, which has 4 songs on it, but 4 songs that I really enjoy, and they signed it for me. The whole concert I had been thinking of different things I had wanted to say to them, but when I got up there, all that came out was that I had been praying for them a bunch and God had really put them on my heart. It was really awesome because as I was talking to them, I really felt like I had no control over what was coming out of my mouth. I completely forgot everything else I was going to say and as Zody and I walked away, all those thoughts came rushing back in, but it was perfect. God had me say exactly what He wanted me to say. Anyway, like my title says, it was the second best surprise EVER. Coming second only to Bekah's surprise arrival back home from Jerusalem and walking into church totally not expecting to see her for another three months, but having my such dear friend be there!!! Yes, I definitely screamed, but it was a good scream. Pretty much the best scream I'll probably ever scream. :) The end. :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Hm... long time, no.. type? Well, whatever it is, I do apologize for being so awful at updating this. So here's some quick updates on my life:

-I got a job at Fazoli's and have been there for three/four-ish weeks. I'm really liking it, for the most part...

-I quit my after school babysitting job. I was really having no time with my family and I was so tired all the time, and that stunk a lot. I figured after school time is critical to recooperate and a good time to spend with my family since I often work evenings at Fazoli's now.

-I was in my first accident... Luckily, nobody else's property was involved. I was home alone and was going to run to Wal-Mart to get some things. I went to go back out of the garage, but underestimated how far away I was from the wall... the side mirror on the passenger side caught on this metal shelf we have and not only did I make a pretty bad dent in the shelf, but I completely ripped off the mirror. I called my parents and was totally freaking out. They were on their way home and my dad told me to just calm down and they'd be there soon. They got home, my dad inspected the damage and just started laughing. I cried. Not a good day for me. Anyways, the mirror is just being held on my duck tape now, so I guess it's all good?

-So I've wanted to be a special education teacher since I was in 5th grade, right? Well, this morning at church when we were singing, it just hit me BAM! that that's maybe not what God has planned for my life. What I mean, is that God just kind of said to me today, "yeah, that's what I put in your heart before, but now, I want you to look into other things as well." And it was crazy. So now, I'm kind of not sure what I'm going to do with my life. I'm still thinking about special education, but another major one I'm going to look into is teaching English as a second language. Anyways, as I type this, it seems like it's not that big of a deal, but it toally hit me hard this morning and I guess it still kind of seems like a big deal to me, but when I say it or write it out, it doesn't seem like it would be that big of a deal to anybody else... Not the point! That was just my big, um, can't think of the word, so fill in with what word you find appropriate, of the day.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


So pretty much, I've been really bad at posting this summer, in case you didn't notice. My apologies for that. I've had a pretty crazy summer, but I don't feel like I've really done a ton. Here's ten things that I have done with my summer, though...

1. Spending A LOT of time with my family. Jadon coming home has been a struggle, but God is definitely using it in so many ways in our lives. I can't even begin to describe all the ways that He is using it to work in us, and each in incredibly different ways, too. Jadon has been fun to have around, but sometimes, well, he hasn't been. But I guess that's the way it goes with pretty much any sibling...

2. Flambeau canoe trip for youth group. Early/mid June, our youth group took a three-day canoe trip. Our first day, we canoed 13 miles and it was pretty insane. But our second and third days, we only did about 3-5 miles each day. After only about an hour or so canoeing our second day, we stopped and camped on Cedar Rapids and it was AWESOME!! Katie, Kaera, and I actually walked across the rapids, which was probably my favorite part of the trip.

3. Calling Laura a couple times each week while she was in Maine. She was there for a little over a month and a half, but finally got home last night!! We went for a really long walk, and it was SO good to see her again!!

4. Youth group Mississippi trip. We spent a week in Lakeshore, Mississippi helping a church down there build a bunkhouse for their volunteers to stay in. Katie, Kaera, and I mudded and sanded a couple rooms most of the week, but on the last day, we were finally able to prime the two rooms.

5. Reading. On our way down to Mississippi, our youth leader, Jer, started reading to us A Voice In the Wind by Francine Rivers, requested by Katie and Jessie. We didn't get to finish the book, so when we got back, I aksed our pastor's wife, Brooke, (who had lent it to us for the week in the first place) if I could borrow it so I could finish. I will admit, I did cry at the end and then had to immediately go pick up the second book. Of course, it took about four days to get to the library, which was painful waiting for it, but it was okay. I didn't like the second book as much as the first, but the ending is what made it worth it.

6. The occasional hanging out with friends. Although I love my family to death, sometimes I just need a break and need to get out of the house. Jadon is very good at wearing us all out, and we all come to that point where we just need to be away. So I've especially enjoyed my friends' company this summer!

7. Coloring. Last week, Jessie and I decided that we really wanted to color and went to Gordy's and each got a coloring book and crayons. When we got back to Katie and Jer's we colored for a while and came to the conclusion that it was one of the most relaxing things you could probably do. When you're focusing so much on staying in the lines, that's pretty much all you think about, and it was relaxing to not think about all the craziness going on in our lives.

8. Kind of running... I'm doing cross country in the fall and we were supposed to be running this summer. Due to my kind of recently healed leg (okay, it's been two months now, but at the beginning of the summer it was recently healed), I started out only doing like a mile per day. After I got some new shoes (because when I went to see the foot doctor, I was banned from running again until I got new shoes), I looked up on Google Maps what route would be a mile. The route I came up with seemed kind of short, but whatever. The next few times I ran, my time was significantly better and I was so excited. Except then Andrew did a route that seemed super long and I did Google Maps for that and it was only two miles. I was kind of confused as my route didn't seem proportionate to his route and went back and found out that I had really only been doing .8 miles and was super disappointed. After that, I lost some motiviation. So then a few weeks ago, I started running with a few other friends, but they don't go nearly as far as I wish and they stop and take breaks and go at a much slower pace than I'm used to. So that, too, is an adventur and a half. Cross Country training starts in two weeks, so we'll see how that goes...

9. I got my results from the AP Exam... and I got a FOUR!!!!!! I was super excited!! I guess that's not really something I've done this summer, but it's something I'm excited about from this summer.

10. Finally, I took my drivers test yesterday morning. I was so nervous beforehand and felt like my stomach had just POOFED and left a big void where my stomach was supposed to be. When I was actually driving, it wasn't quite as bad, except for when I did my parallel park and hit the curb the first time, but then was able to fix it on my second attempt. I don't think he took any points off for that... So we get out of the car at the end of the test and my dad comes out and went over some things that I would need to fix, but... I PASSED!!!! So now I'm officially a liscensed driver. :) Yesterday, I drove myself to Best Buy and bought The Truman Show and a 60's CD, to which I half-blasted on my way home. It was fun. :)

And that's my summer so far. Two months down, one to go...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Okay, so this post is WAAAAAAY overdue, but my family is in China!! They left Eau Claire a week from today and got Jadon May 4th, which is yesterday our time, but two days ago for them in China. I got to meet my newest little brother yesterday morning on Skype and what a little ball of energy he is!! He's super full of personality. He's always playing with things, he learns VERY quickly, and we're all pretty sure attatching will be no problem. Within less than 12 hours of meeting our family, he was running around the room saying, "Mommy" and "Pappy", easily going to them and sitting on their laps to talk to my aunt, grandma, and I over Skype. He recognized me and called me jeh-jeh, which means big sister! So my dad will point to my face on the computer screen and ask who that is and he'll smile and say "Jeh-Jeh!" Yesterday morning when I first talked to him, he unprompted said "wo ai ni" which is Chinese for I LOVE YOU!!! There's bunches of other super super cute things he's done and said, but to easier follow that, check out my parent's blog.

Also, be praying for Jadon as he has a cold. :( He's been coughing a lot lately and when we talked to them last night and this morning, Jadon would be sitting on my mom's lap and grab her wrist and put her hand on his forehead, showing her that he had a fever. It was soooooo sweet, but please pray that he'll be feeling better soon! Another prayer request... my AP Euro exam is on Friday!!!! EEK!!! I'm definitely not prepared. Hopefully I will be by Friday, but pray that God would keep me calm, focused, but most importantly focused on Him!!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The results are in...

...and I do have a stress fracture. We got a call on Tuesday night saying that I have a grade 1 to 2 stress fracture and can't run for probably something around four weeks. Then, today, I got pulled out of 7th hour French at 2:30... to go get crutches. I'm not sure how long I have to have them, but I'm not supposed to put my full weight on my right leg, and approximately 50% instead. The Viennese Ball this weekend should be interesting... Actually, I'm trying to convince my parents to let me go without crutches and let me dance at least a couple dances. The way I look at it, I can actually fake swing dance without really even putting any pressure on my right leg. Of course, then I have to stay in the same place the whole time, but it's something!

Also, WE HAVE WEBCAMS!!!!! I know that some of you (*cough* Botzets *cough* ;)) have Skype and my family got a couple webcams so that my family and I can communicate while they're in China. Anyways, I thought I might let you know so that I can talk with y'all, too! So... my screen name like thing is kirsten.rieck and I'm pretty sure that we should talk soon. ;)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Quick(ish) Update

1) WE HAVE OUR TRAVEL DATES FOR CHINA!!!! My parents will leave on April 29 and return with my little brother, well actually my two little brothers, on May 14th at 5:00 pm!! We've actually had this information for about a week, I'm just a little slow...

2) I've got a prayer request. I am going in tomorrow to have a bone scan. A week ago, my right shin started hurting after I ran. I ignored it the first day, because it wasn't excruciating pain and I thought that my leg just hurt. No big deal. After it hurt again on Tuesday, just earlier in my run, I went to the athletic trainer at school, and she said I probably had shin splints and should just take it a bit easier-- do shorter/slower runs. After it only got worse on Wednesday, I was told to come in before practice on Thursday, which is when I was banned from running and told that I need to get it checked out by a doctor to make sure it's not a stress fracture. So my mom and I went into Urgent Care on Thursday night and found out that I need to get a bone scan. Also, I'm pretty sure the guy who looked at me thinks it's a stress fractures. To really freak me out, he told me that I might go and see the bone doctor and he might tell me that I can't run anymore beacuse I might be prone to these types of things. Forever? I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope not. I love running. In church yesterday, though, my dad was praying something along the lines of how everyone who was sick and how when we were in Heaven we wouldn't have to deal with that. It would all be gone. Same with my shin issues. So really, "forever" on earth, really is nothing. Even if I can never run again until I die, I really do have FOREVER to run. Just thought that was pretty sweet. Anyways, the pain has just been getting worse and worse every day, and today especially it was super bad. So tomorrow is the bone scan. 8:00 I have to go in and get an injection and 11:00 is the actual bone scan. Please be praying!

3) I will get pictures up soon. Hopefully. I promise. (If that made any sense at all...) I'm not sure how in the world I'll fit them all on here, so I might just make a video slideshow of a few of my favorites and put that on here instead. The only bummer about that is that you'd then have to wait for the movie instead of being able to scroll right through... Any better ideas??

Well, I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is a big day and I'm sleep deprived. I hope you all have a marvelous day tomorrow and I will hopefully be back up with a bone scan update/results and hopefully pictures once I can figure out how to get them all on here!!!

I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul makes its boast in the Lord;
let the humble hear and be glad.
Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together!

Psalm 34:1-3

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Home Again

Well, we're back. South Africa was AMAZING!! I'd love to tell you all about it, but my brain isn't really functioning right now, as it's used to it being almost 4:00 am. I've gotten to the point where I can't even form complete sentences when I'm talking. It should be fun doing homework tonight...

Anyways, just thought I'd check in with you guys and let you know that we got home safely and had an AMAZING time. More about the trip will come later and with many, many picutres. (That is, if my computer finally lets me put pictures on... I've got a total of 1114 pictures & videos... I think my computer is afraid of blowing up so it won't let me put stuff on... isn't technology wonderful?)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So... I have no idea if I spelled that right, but that's not really the point of this. I leave for South Africa in 5 hours and 41 minutes!!!!!!!!!!! Well, that's what time our bus leaves the University. Anyways, I thought I'd let you guys know what we'd be doing each day. Please don't read all of it at once, you might die. There's a lot.

March 12-Deport Minneapolis

Board your flight from Minneapolis connecting to either the Washington to New York gateways to board your South African Airways flight. Overnight onboard the aircraft.

March 13-Arrive in Cape Town
On arrival in Johannesburg, connect to a domestic flight to Cape Town. Upon arrival in Cape Town International Airport, you will be met by your driver and your guide who will assist you to your awaiting coach. Porters will be arranged to assist with the transporting your luggage to the coach and transferred to your hotel for check in.

The Dutch settlement at Table Bay, under the leadership of Jan van Riebeeck was established in 1652. It purpose was to supply fresh produce and meat to the fleets of the Dutch East India Company for their voyages between Europe and the Spice Islands to the east. In the early days, the settlement was known among sailors from around the world as “The Tavern of the Seas”, and to this day Cape Town has maintained a reputation of friendly hospitality. With it’s majestic Table Mountain backdrop, Cape Town is undisputedly one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Linger awhile to enjoy the timeless beauty of Cape Dutch architecture; the all-persuasive aura of history; the 17th century castle; enticing boutiques and a myriad of restaurants offering a superb medley of Oriental, contemporary European and traditional Cape Cuisine.

About your hotel: This stylish hotel is based in the heart of Sea Point overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. With majestic Table Mountain and Signal Hill as a backdrop, this distinctive hotel offers luxury and style. Soak up the sun beside the sparkling plunge pool, take exhilarating walks along the promenade or make use of the hotel’s gym and wellness centre. Accommodation consists of 124 newly refurbished, air-conditioning and en-suite rooms.

March 14-Half Day Cape Town Sightseeing Tour
This morning, enjoy breakfast at the hotel before you are picked up at 8:30am for your half-day tour of this “Mother City”. Take a cable car up Table Mountain (weather permitting), before descending to savor the spicy aromas of the Malay Quarter. The tour ends at the shoppers’ paradise, the V&A Waterfront, or you may wish to return to your hotel. You will enjoy lunch at one of the restaurants on the Victoria and Alfred restaurants before being transferred to meet with the Kensington Chorale at 3:00PM to enjoy a cultural exchange prior to participating in an evening concert performance.

March 15-Peninsula Tour & Visit to Sellenbach University
This morning, enjoy an early breakfast at the hotel before you are picked up at 8:00am for your tour of the Cape Peninsula. See for yourself how this spectacular southern tip of Africa became known as the Fairest Cape. The tour begins with a drive past the pristine beaches of Camps Bay and Clifton. After a visit to the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve and its scenic viewing point, continue along the coastline to the beautiful Boulders Beach where you can sit among a colony of penguins. Your tour will end with a lunch stop en-route.

Return to your hotel to freshen up before departing to Stellenbosch for a cultural interaction with a combination of the Stellenbosch University and the Schola Cantorum Music Faculty Choirs, starting at 4:00pm.

March 16-Robben Island & Table Mountain Tour
This morning, at 7:30am, your guides will collect you for your transfer to the Mandela Clocktower Precinct from where you will board the 09h00 ferry to Robben Island. The Island is situated a mere 7 miles from Cape Town in the middle of Table Bay, within clear sight of the city. It was here that Nelson Mandela was held prisoner for 18 years, much of it under hard labour. Prior to being a prison for political activists during the Apartheid era, the island was a leper colony. The island is now a museum and conservation area and was declared a World Heritage site in 1999. Former inmates lead tours around their old cells - a moving experience for both them and thousands of visitors from around the world. The tour includes a visit to Nelson Mandela's prison cell and the limestone quarry where prisoners work unceasingly day after day. There is the chance to view the wildlife and take photographs of Cape Town across the bay, with Table Mountain as the backdrop if the weather permits.

On return from Robben Island, you will enjoy lunch before returning to the hotel. At approximately 4:00pm, you will be transferred to Somerset to participate in an evening performance with the Siyacula Youth Choir. Warm up is scheduled to start at approximately 5:30pm before the evening’s performance
Return to the hotel and enjoy the evening at leisure.

March 17-Fly to Johannesburg, Visit Soweto School
This morning, at 7:30am you will transfer to Cape Town International Airport for check in at 8:10am on your domestic flight to Johannesburg departing at 10:10am. On arrival you will be met by your driver and your guide who will assist you to your awaiting coach. Porters will be arranged to assist with the transporting of your luggage to the coach. You will be transferred to the St Stithian School. Here you will meet and interact with the host choir and participate in an evening concert performance. Thereafter, you will be transferred to your hotel for check in and enjoy an evening at leisure.

About your hotel: This magnificent resort is located next to OR Tambo International Airport (Johannesburg). The resort offers a unique experience with luxurious accommodation and leisure facilities, a magnificent casino with unparalleled gaming enjoyment, the finest dining and entertainment, a unique retail concourse, a children’s paradise with an indoor themed entertainment centre, multifaceted conference facilities and impeccable service. The Metcourt Laurel Hotel offers comfortable accommodation with 80 rooms and suites, which include standard and family rooms. All rooms are large and conveniently equipped with an interactive pay television system, selected satellite channels, radio, hairdryer and fully adjustable air-conditioning. Metcourt Laurel Hotel guests enjoy breakfast at the Primavera Restaurant, or may order take away meals from selected outlets in The Emporium.

March 18-On Safari in Pilanesburg National Park
After breakfast at the hotel, we leave the bustling city behind to experience the world famous African bush. Bakubung Bush Lodge is only a short 2-hour drive away from Johannesburg, tucked in the expanses of the malaria-free Pilanesberg National Park which is home to Africa’s Big Five: elephant, lion, leopard, rhino and buffalo. Bakubung, or the “People of the Hippo”, provides guests with the peace and tranquility of a true African bush experience.

This afternoon, we set off in open 4x4 safari vehicles in search of lion, elephant, buffalo, rhino and leopard, and all manner of wondrous wildlife, birds and plants besides. Savor the magic of this enormous wilderness.

About your lodge: Air-conditioned, thatched roof rooms at the Bakubung Bush Lodge as well as the chalets curve into a horseshoe around the outside entertainment areas, huddling visitors in cozy intimacy while providing great views over the African bush. All rooms at the Bakubung Bush Lodge feature DSTV, direct dialing telephones, en-suite bathrooms, electric shaving plugs, coffee and tea making machines and hair dryers. The guest’s wildlife experiences are best shared at a blazing campfire, while one marvels at the spectacle of innumerable stars. Optional hot air balloon safaris as well as elephant back safaris are another very exciting way to get to know the African bush. Other facilities include a tennis court, swimming pool and an outdoor “boma” dining area.

March 19-Mourning Safari & Lesedi Cultural Village
This morning, you will have an early rise for another game driver in search of more amazing animals.
Return to the lodge for breakfast and enjoy a little time at leisure, before we head back towards Johannesburg to a cultural village for dinner. Lesedi Cultural Village is a multi-cultural African village set among pristine bushveld and rocky hills. Situated at Lesedi are a number of different homesteads or traditional villages where a kaleidoscope of African cultures awaits you. Each traditional homestead is inhabited by a family of elders, wives and children. Guest are in for an experience of a lifetime and are introduced to the art, dancing, history, tribal legend and cuisine of five of Southern Africa’s greatest tribes. The cultural experience begins with a multi-visual presentation on the history and origins of today’s rainbow nation, followed by a tour of four ethnic homesteads, namely: Xhosa, Zulu, Pedi and Sotho. After the tour guests are escorted to the boma where they enjoy dinner, and watch the different tribes of Lesedi Cultural Village perform dances and tell stories that date back to the days of their ancestors. After dinner, you will be transported back to the Metcourt Laurel Hotel for check in and overnight.

March 20-Soweto Tour & Regina Mundi Church Performance
This morning, enjoy breakfast at the hotel before you are picked up for your morning tour of Soweto at 8:30am. We take you through the streets of the sprawling township of Soweto, scene of the tragic riots of 1976. Despite crowded, chaotic conditions, there’s a tangible sense of community in these neighborhoods, which the ordered, walled suburbs lack. Few who venture into this ‘other’ Johannesburg are unmoved by what they witness. Enjoy lunch at a traditional African shebeen (restaurant) and thereafter you will be transferred to the Regina Mundi Church in Soweto where you can enjoy an informal performance. The Regina Mundi Churhc is one of the most well known churches in South Africa and had a very important history. Not only has the vast church always been a spiritual haven for thousands of Sowetans, it also played a pivotal role in the country’s history of resistance against Apartheid. On 30 November 1997, declared Regina Mundi Day, former president Nelson Mandela paid tribute to the church saying such was the role of this church in the lives of many of us; such was the esteem with which is was held, that it popularly became known as the people’s cathedral.

This evening, enjoy a farewell dinner with a singing together before returning to the hotel.

March 21-Visit Apartheid Museum & Fly Home
This morning, after breakfast at the hotel, you will check out before departing for a visit to the Apartheid Museum. Visitors to South Africa’s first apartheid museum will be taken back to the days of racial intolerance through separate entrances for whites and blacks. Giant images of the passbooks that confined blacks to squalid ghettos, line a corridor which eventually leads to rooms of hope. They show triumph over apartheid with Nelson Mandela’s release in 1990 from 27 years of imprisonment. The Apartheid Museum is the story of the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. The museum is a superb example of design, space and landscape offering the international community a unique South African experience.

In the afternoon, you will be transferred to the O.R. Tambo International Airport for your onward flight back home where you will take on board your last memories of a gorgeous African landscape.

March 22-Arrive Home
On arrival early this morning in Washington, connect to your domestic flights to Minneapolis. Welcome home!

Yep, so that's my trip and I am WAYYYY pumped!!! Especially to see the giraffes... :) No worries, I'll take MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY picutres!!

Well, I'd best go and finish my packing. I hope that you three of my dearest friends, Bekah, Bethany, and Jenny have a MARVELOUS time in California! I'll be praying for you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU BETHANY!!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


We got our final, official, 100% approval for Jadon today!!!! YAY! So now I can post pictures of the little guy! Hopefully he will know about his family in a week-ish?

Isn't he just the most precious thing EVER??? Anyways, I'll probably sometime soon start putting together a scrapbook or something for him. I'm pretty sure my parents will be going to China in April sometime. YAY!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

After 5 and a half hours, you'd be hysterical, too

Well, so much for the musical running more smoothly. Actaully, I guess it kind of is, but not really? Okay, let me explain myself. So we started rehersal today at 3:00. We got done with the cast around 7:30/7:45ish maybe? Well, the pit orchestra director decided that we needed to stay after and work on some things. We were there until 8:30. In total, that made 5 and a half hours of rehearsing. After we got done, Paula, Rachel, and I were standing around waiting for our rides and could not stop laughing. That was phase one of the hysteria. Then I started running around the orchestra room like a maniac. Under no normal circumstances would I have been running around looking that foolish, because oh my goodness, I'm sure I looked INCREDIBLY foolish. I got a ride home from Rachel's brother instead of taking the 15/20 minutes to walk home. I walked in the door, looked at the clock, and my dad came over to give me a hug and I just started bawling. It was actually kind of a scary experience. My dad ended up taking me to Sonic (which came to Eau Claire in October, but I hadn't been there until tonight, but had been wanting to SOOO badly as it's got some great memories for me from Arizona) since I hadn't eaten anything (well, not really) since lunch time. On our way there, I just talked a bunch (about our laughing fits, and how upset I was that I entirely missed youth group!!!) and that helped my brain to start coming back together again. So now, it's 11:05 and the ONLY reason I'm still up is because I have to wait 2 hours after having any food before taking my typhoid pill. It's been 1 hour and 50 minutes. And I figure, that's close enough. So I'm going to go and take that now and GO TO SLEEP.
Sorry this was kind of almost pointless. Although, it is quite a prayer request that there would be no more hysteric episodes the rest of the week. For me, or anybody else in the cast.
Goodnight all!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Me, My Cello, and Life in the Pit

My life since Saturday just seems to be music, music, music. Saturday was Solo & Ensemble (which I did get a 2 on, and at first was SUPER disappointed, but prayed about it a bit, and it was definitely a pride issue, once again), and then Sunday was the beginning of the end for the musical. I'm playing cello in pit orcestra for the musical at school. We're doing Crazy For You, and no, I had never heard of it, either. But I suppose it's claim to fame could be the song "I've Got Rhythm" in case you know that. Yep, that's from Crazy For You. WOO! It's actually kind of a weird musical and I'm not really sure that I'd recommend it. I don't fully understand the plot and there's some pretty sketchy outfits and lots of random unnecessary kissing. Such is the story of musicals, though, I suppose. Well, at least some of them. Most of my favorites (the really good ones, such as Fiddler on the Roof, My Fair Lady, Hello Dolly...) I guess don't have too much of that, but whatever. Anyways, the string music (or at least cello and violin) is crazy hard. The other cello player, Paula (who is a senior and I absolutely LOVE playing with her), and I sit there half the time not knowing where in the world we're supposed to be, and even when we do, there are certain measures that we just skip or pretend our way through it. Pretty fun stuff. So I've got practice every day after school (maybe with the exception of Friday?) from 3:00 until whenever we get done. It was originally supposed to be 4:00-6:00, but that got changed. Yesterday we went 3:30 to 7:30. Today was about 3:10 until 7:00. Things are starting to run more smoothly (THANK GOODNESS!! and especially since opening night is on FRIDAY!) and it's almost starting to be fun, now that we're getting a bit more comfortable with the music and aren't wanting to pull our hair out quite so much. Speaking of hair, though, Paula, my friend Rachel (who plays bass), the piano player (Alex, who is insanely good), and I are plotting to dye our hair temporarily black for the performances. We're temporarily "going emo" and I'm pretty excited for it. I've never seen my hair any other color than what it is right now, so we'll see how that goes. I'll maybe have to post pictures if we do end up doing it. :)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Longest Week of My Life

This past week was SO insane, I can't even describe it. Mostly, there was just one thing that made it insane, but that's something that I really don't think should be posted on a blog. All I can say is asking for you to pray for my friend, Hannah. I found something out on Friday, went to a counselor on Monday, and that was only 6 days ago, yet I feel like it was forever ago. Also, if you could pray for me and my friend Hayley, too, as we're also a part of this, that God would give us wisdom to do/say the right things.

On a happier note, and something that I can actually talk about, we're leaving for South Africa in TWELVE DAYS!!!!!!!!! I can't even comprehend that! And thankfully, after my new-ish camera broke, (I think that's the 3rd or 4th camera break on me?) we called Cannon, and for &75, plus shipping stuff, I got a more up-to-date version of my camera and just in time for South Africa! I am SO excited!!! So there will DEFINITELY be some picture updates either while we're in South Africa or when we get back. We're taking the laptop with us, but we'll see how much time I actually have to put stuff on.

Well, I have a solo to play for Solo & Ensemble at 12:58 and have to be there 20 minutes early, so I suppose I'd better go finish getting ready for that. I'm actually not really nervous. I figure, it's really not going to be the end of the world if I don't get a 1, mostly, I just care about that because of my pride. But when I play my cello, it shouldn't be for my pride. Today, I'm playing for God.

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy birthday to the little dude!!!

Today is my brother's golden birthday today, and what an AMAZING birthday present for him! We got our pre-approval for Jadon's adoption!! Yet another step taken to getting my little little brother! I did forget to mention in my last post that we're not allowed to post pictures of him online yet, but if any of you want the pictures, just let me know and I will for sure get them to you. Otherwise, they'll be up here as soon as we're allowed to post them!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Wow, so I've been REALLY behind on this. And quite a few AMAZING things have happened since then!!

1. As most/maybe all of you probably now know, my family got a referral for a little BOY from China instead of a girl!! There's a big long story that goes with this, but kind of in a nutshell, we got the referral a week after my parents filled out an older child adoption application thing or something, which basically said that we would be willing to take an older child. So my dad, Andrew, and I were at the library and my mom was home alone when she got the call for the referral. After recieving the call, she called my dad's cell phone, he informed Andrew and I and we started on our way home. Now, at this point, there were some pretty mixed feelings going on between the four of us. Andrew right away was all for it. My dad thought that this boy would fit right it. My mom was worried because she didn't look at the picture and right away thingk, "this is my son!" And I had no idea what to think. This was major news and since I didn't know how to react, I just kind of broke down and cried because I didn't know what else to do. It took almost a week before God led me to the conclusion that this kid was my brother. January 5, my parents locked in the file and we're now just waiting to be approved by the Chinese government (which should not be a problem at all). So now about this little boy: his name in China was Shengyang, but his real name (what we're naming him) is Jadon, which means "thankful" and his middle name will be Sheng, which means "victorious." He's almost 4 feet tall and 44 pounds, so he's a little bugger!! He's a pretty shy kid, but it sounds like he's made some attatchments at the orphanage, and that's our main concern that he won't attatch to us, so that's actually quite a relief that he's made those attatchments. (Oops, sorry... that was kind of a choppy sentence, but lazy me doesn't really want to make it sound prettier). So we're now hoping that my parents and Andrew will get to go to China (I don't get to go :( but I do get to go to SOUTH AFRICA!!! see more in following exciting points...) around April. So I'll be in Eau Claire by myself, but I've had quite a number of offers from some pretty sweet people that they'd come and stay with me or I could some stay with them. I'm actually pretty excited. :) Oops... so much for "in a nutshell"...

2. Since Andrew is going to China, I get to take my mom's place in going to South Africa so that I get to go on a sweet trip, too!!! My dad just got the itinerary yesterday, and I'm getting SOOOO excited! We leave 5 weeks from yesterday!!! I'll put the itinerary on here when it comes closer time for the trip...

3. I have my permit! I've driven in a parking lot twice (or is it three times now? I can't remember...) and on Sunday, I drove on a REAL ROAD with REAL PEOPLE!! Good news, though. I didn't hit anybody or anything. :) I think my dad maybe wants to take me driving again today? But we'd have to go soon because we've got a chili/Bunko night at church tonight! WOOT!

4. Yesterday I got the form and packet to sign up for classes next year! I'm still debating on some electives, so if anybody has any reccomendations, that would be sweet. So far I'm thinking about Pottery/Sculpture 1 and maybe Philosophy? Any opinions?